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In the making of Seven Deadly Sins we collaborated with numerous different artists and creators; the results of which can be seen by clicking the links opposite, or alternativley all seven of the pieces can be viewed in the Youtube Playlist we've created which is avalible below.


'Pride' is the result of collaboration with singer-songwriter Rachel Kevern. 'Envy' is the result of collaboration with artist Sophie Bridgehouse and composer Bulak Dale. 'Gluttonty' is an excert taken from Byrony Lavery's 'Frozen', directed by Johnny Lavin. 'Lust' is the result of collaboration between writer Johnny Lavin and performer Kate Collins. 'Wrath' is an interactive project exploring cross art theatre and the digital creation of a personal audience experience. 'Greed' is the result of collaboration by make-up Artist Georgia Webb, performer Shannon Fox and writer Matthew Rawcliffe. 'Sloth' is a response to Neil Bartlett and Kate Pullinger's 'Letter To an Unknown Soldier' campaign, by performer Rachel Kevern and writer Matthew Rawcliffe.


PRIDE (Link not yet live)
ENVY (Link not yet live)
GLUTTONY (Link not yet live)
LUST (Link not yet live)
WRATH (Link not yet live)
GREED (Link not yet live)
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